

Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something

(In No Particular Order)

01) Grape Stomp
02) Charlie Bit Me
03) Chocolate Rain
04) Dancing Baby
05) Post Secret
06) Charlie The Unicorn
07) Mentos and Diet Coke
08) Numa Numa
09) Peanut Butter Jelly Time
10) George Lucas In Love
11) You're The Man Now Dog
12) Yatta
13) Star Wars Kid
14) Bubb Rubb
15) The Flying Spaghetti Monster
16) Dramatic Chipmunk
17) Homestar Runner
18) GI Joe Pork Chop Sandwiches
19) Fail Blog
20) Skateboarding Dog
21) All Your Base Are Belong To Us
22) Winnebago Man
23) We Like The Moon
24) I Can Has Cheezburger
25) Barney Vs. Tupac
26) Shining
27) Cute Overload
28) Rick Roll
29) Lazy Sunday
30) David After The Dentist
31) Powerthirst
32) Christian The Lion
33) Bert and Ernie Rap
34) Lady Punch
35) Leprechaun in Alabama
36) Where The Hell Is Matt
37) Boom Goes The Dynamite
38) Breakdancing Baby
39) Drunk Jeff Goldblum
40) Scarlet Takes A Tumble
41) Susan Boyle
42) Gay Mount Everest
43) Afro Ninja
44) Cop Shoots Himself In Leg In Classroom
45) Tron Guy
46) "Leave Britney Alone"
47) Laughing Baby
48) I'm the Juggernaut Bitch
49) Exploding Whale
50) Take On Me The Literal Version
51) Bill O'Reilly Flips Out
52) Don't Tase Me Bro
53) The Landlord
54) Breakdancing Baby Kick
55) The Pet Penguin
56) Ms. South Carolina Answers A Question
57) I'm F*#king Matt Damon
58) Will It Blend
59) Spaghetti Cat
60) Tom Cruise Kills Oprah
61) Little Superstar
62) Chad Vader
63) Pretty Much Everywhere It's Going To Be Hot
64) I Like Turtles
65) Who Needs A Movie
66) Jake E. Lee Shreds
67) Hawaii Chair
68) Aussie Party
69) Hitler Plans Burning Man
70) Montgomery Flea Market 71) Look At The Horse
72) Asian Backstreet Boys
73) Leroy Jenkins
74) Pinky The Cat
75) Monkey Sniffs Finger
76) Sneezing Panda
77) Prison Inmates remake "Thriller"
78) Techno Viking
79) Ask A Ninja
80) Best Man Trips and Ruins Wedding
81) Best Wedding Toast Ever (Amy's Song)
82) Kitten Surprise (how to break up a cat fight)
83) Katana Sword Infomercial Goes Wrong
84) Matrix Ping Pong
85) La Pequeña Prohibida
86) Angry German Kid (translated)
87) Evolution of Dance
88) Ok Go – "Here It Goes Again"
89) Battle at Kruger (lions vs. buffalos vs. crocodiles)
90) Daft Hands
91) Human Beatbox
92) Most T-Shirts Worn At Once
93) Zero G Dog
94) Cuppy Cakes Song
95) George Washington
96) Scary Maze Prank
97) Gay Referee
98) Tranquilized Bear Hits Trampoline
99) Reporter Gets A Fly In The Mouth

i found something to make me laugh today

this makes me thirsty


Where's the beef?

I haven't been to a cookout in sooooo long. I talked to a lot of people today and nobody is cooking out.


What else is there to do on Memorial Day (foodwise)? I'm going to Wendy's to get me a spicy chicken sandwich.

The usual.

I'm amist a major purge-and-pack project. It feels great to get rid of the clothes and shoes and accessories that I know I don't need. There's a shelter downtown where I'll be donating all the goodies. I love giving and I love a clean closet. Clutter is such a downer.


So that's my Memorial Day. I'm off to Wendy's and then back to the closet.

What's the one thing that no matter how many times you clean out your wardrobe, you can't give IT up?

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed


everything will be okay in the end

if it's not okay, it's not the end


i've been having a bad hair day for way too long

damn, not that bad.

i just need a good new look. i'm just bored with my look right now.

(pouty face)

goal: i wanna feel pretty again. something fresh. something new.

excite myself - ooh.

breast cancer sucks!


It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.

-Joe Moore


you better work ( cover girl )

work it girl ( give a twirl )

do your thing on the runway

work ( supermodel... )

you better work it, girl ( ...of the world )

wet your lips and make love to the camera

work, turn to the left

work, now turn to the right

work, sashay shante

feed my fish, follow my twitter, buy me something

that's all i remember from the post that i just deleted by accident 0_0

screw it !

have a fun saturday . go to twist in buckhead and order a pear passion martini . i had one last night and then another one and i wish i had another one because i woke up this morning thinking how delish . if you're in charlotte, just go to noble's and get an appletini (they make the best)

i'm obviously stressing because i deleted my long ass post that i erased . (doesn't it always seem long after it disappeared)

gotta go . . . i'm late for a date with myself

1) trip to neiman marcus to see the #1 item on my wish list
2) shopping for some black and white apparel
3) does container store have a bread saver?
4) off to virginia highlands for eats at soul vegetarian
5) grocery shopping for tomorrow's dinner {note to self: don't forget the peach puree this time}

love you . thanks for reading

ciao bella


my american express

childhood ambition . to teach sign language
fondest memory . 8am march 30th 2007
soundtrack . fun, crazy songs
retreat . an all-day spa session that ends with me buried in the world's most perfect bed
wildest dream . running my own business that caters to lots of artistic needs
proudest moment . when i was selected to be in an art exhibit in charleston
biggest challenge . maintaining my weight
alarm clock . my beau and if he's away then my cell can be set to scream, wake up!!
perfect day . sunshine with a cool breeze followed by a moonlight cocktail party
indulgence . kate spade accessories
first job . waitress at a seafood restaurant
last purchase . a peacock keyfob
favorite movie . monster-in-law because i watch it aaaaaaaall the time
inspiration . organization & following one's dreams
my life . is a work in progress
my card . is all paid off

cheers to veggie lasagna

i just made my 30-day pledge to veg . for many years now i have been obsessed with the peta website . i am a huge advocate of cruelty-free products, meats, whatever i can . i already try to buy local and organic . each vegetarian saves about 100 animals a year (or more) . i'm looking forward to this positive change


holy cupcake you gotta be kidding me!

meeting cancelled!! i just finished baking a ridiculous amount of strawberry cupcakes (whipped butter cream icing with a mini oreo on top) and then i log on to see who was nerd enough to send out emails over the weekend and **bam** the meeting that i just baked all these damn cupcakes for is cancelled.

oh well

i guess i'll be making some friends tomorrow by giving away free cupcakes! wonk-waaaaaaaa


i still eat the chips

i think i'm just addicted to crunch (not to be confused with crunches). obviously.


bangin' chips

he said: are you losing weight?
i thought: nah, you're just getting used to the belly

how can i lose weight? seriously, dude. losing 40 pounds was a piece of cake. haha, mmmmm, cake - moist cake. gaining back enough weight to go up 2-1/2 dress sizes (i can't say it, i can't admit that it's probably more like 3) must have come from having the cake and eating it too, huh? i hate that damn phrase.

it's funny though . . . i literally woke up one day and committed 3 months of eating like a bird and the weight just fell off. no exercise, no nothing. it's a blur to me now (even though it really wasn't THAT long ago).

that's right y'all. it's time to start another mission. project: get skinny.

by get skinny i mean . . . psyche!

ok, for real. i just want to pick up a size (a single digit) and be able to slide that bad boy on. that's it. project: single digit.

watch out now

so here's to the last bag of chips in the house. after you, there will be no more.

(insert: crunch)