
everything will be okay in the end

if it's not okay, it's not the end


i've been having a bad hair day for way too long

damn, not that bad.

i just need a good new look. i'm just bored with my look right now.

(pouty face)

goal: i wanna feel pretty again. something fresh. something new.

excite myself - ooh.

breast cancer sucks!


It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.

-Joe Moore


you better work ( cover girl )

work it girl ( give a twirl )

do your thing on the runway

work ( supermodel... )

you better work it, girl ( ...of the world )

wet your lips and make love to the camera

work, turn to the left

work, now turn to the right

work, sashay shante

feed my fish, follow my twitter, buy me something

that's all i remember from the post that i just deleted by accident 0_0

screw it !

have a fun saturday . go to twist in buckhead and order a pear passion martini . i had one last night and then another one and i wish i had another one because i woke up this morning thinking how delish . if you're in charlotte, just go to noble's and get an appletini (they make the best)

i'm obviously stressing because i deleted my long ass post that i erased . (doesn't it always seem long after it disappeared)

gotta go . . . i'm late for a date with myself

1) trip to neiman marcus to see the #1 item on my wish list
2) shopping for some black and white apparel
3) does container store have a bread saver?
4) off to virginia highlands for eats at soul vegetarian
5) grocery shopping for tomorrow's dinner {note to self: don't forget the peach puree this time}

love you . thanks for reading

ciao bella