
bangin' chips

he said: are you losing weight?
i thought: nah, you're just getting used to the belly

how can i lose weight? seriously, dude. losing 40 pounds was a piece of cake. haha, mmmmm, cake - moist cake. gaining back enough weight to go up 2-1/2 dress sizes (i can't say it, i can't admit that it's probably more like 3) must have come from having the cake and eating it too, huh? i hate that damn phrase.

it's funny though . . . i literally woke up one day and committed 3 months of eating like a bird and the weight just fell off. no exercise, no nothing. it's a blur to me now (even though it really wasn't THAT long ago).

that's right y'all. it's time to start another mission. project: get skinny.

by get skinny i mean . . . psyche!

ok, for real. i just want to pick up a size (a single digit) and be able to slide that bad boy on. that's it. project: single digit.

watch out now

so here's to the last bag of chips in the house. after you, there will be no more.

(insert: crunch)