
my american express

childhood ambition . to teach sign language
fondest memory . 8am march 30th 2007
soundtrack . fun, crazy songs
retreat . an all-day spa session that ends with me buried in the world's most perfect bed
wildest dream . running my own business that caters to lots of artistic needs
proudest moment . when i was selected to be in an art exhibit in charleston
biggest challenge . maintaining my weight
alarm clock . my beau and if he's away then my cell can be set to scream, wake up!!
perfect day . sunshine with a cool breeze followed by a moonlight cocktail party
indulgence . kate spade accessories
first job . waitress at a seafood restaurant
last purchase . a peacock keyfob
favorite movie . monster-in-law because i watch it aaaaaaaall the time
inspiration . organization & following one's dreams
my life . is a work in progress
my card . is all paid off

cheers to veggie lasagna

i just made my 30-day pledge to veg . for many years now i have been obsessed with the peta website . i am a huge advocate of cruelty-free products, meats, whatever i can . i already try to buy local and organic . each vegetarian saves about 100 animals a year (or more) . i'm looking forward to this positive change


holy cupcake you gotta be kidding me!

meeting cancelled!! i just finished baking a ridiculous amount of strawberry cupcakes (whipped butter cream icing with a mini oreo on top) and then i log on to see who was nerd enough to send out emails over the weekend and **bam** the meeting that i just baked all these damn cupcakes for is cancelled.

oh well

i guess i'll be making some friends tomorrow by giving away free cupcakes! wonk-waaaaaaaa


i still eat the chips

i think i'm just addicted to crunch (not to be confused with crunches). obviously.